Before coming to Sydney I had never heard of the Blue Mountains so it was never on my 'Must See List'. But I thought, while I was here I might as well check it out and see what it's all about.
We booked a tour, got given the wrong tour and ended up trailing about the Blue Mountains with a big group of people from Honduras who were loud, old and over weight which meant that our 40 minute hike literally took an hour and a half. I'm not sure who was more annoyed by this, us or our tour guide but nonetheless the mountains were beautiful. We saw 2 water falls during our hikes and managed to each ruin our shoes (we were not warned to wear appropriate footwear but thought we'd be clever anyway and wear trainers...there's no saving them now!).
As well as seeing the stunning views we also got to walk through the forest which was lovely and learnt a bit about the Mountains themselves. All I can really remember now is that they are called the Blue Mountains because most of the trees are Eucalyptus tress which give off an oil. The sun then reflects off the oils and therefore give a blue hue around the Mountains. I was slightly disappointed that the actual trees weren't blue themselves but can confirm that the sight was just absolutely beautiful and I couldv'e spent a very long time just standing there taking it all in had in not been freezing cold winds. It was the type of view that they would put in a movie with thought provoking music in the background while someone contemplated the meaning of life.
The camera really doesn't do justice to how beautiful it was there but hopefully they'll give a hint of the views and maybe even tempt some more people to add it to their 'Must See List'.
You can also watch some clips over on my YoutTube channel by following this link:
Iona x
The Three Sisters |