Thursday 7 November 2013

Why Did I Do It?

This is a question which everyone asked when I said what I was going to do. So I thought it would be a good place to start with this blog.
Basically, I'd always wanted to go traveling and always wanted to go to Australia even more so. However, I never thought that I would. I would constantly see posts on facebook from people I went to school with who had just been studying abroad or away traveling and I always thought "I wish I could do that!"
It then suddenly dawned on me that I was thinking like a middle aged woman who was tied down by either family or job or partner or for whatever other reason. I realised that I was young, no kids, no boyfriend, no career, no mortgage/rent so basically no excuse not to.
My life back home was pretty good. I had a job I enjoyed, I worked with good friends, I had amazing friends, two beautiful godsons, I got on well with my family, had a great church and lived in a lovely area. On paper it sounds ideal, and in a way it was but I always just felt like I was a little bored with life. I don't mean this in a spoilt brat way, I've always appreciated everything I have been blessed with but there just seemed like there was something missing.
I realised that something had to change and that something was me. A long story short, as well as seeing an amazing side of the world and having an adventure of a lifetime, I'm hoping that this year will allow me to be pushed fully out of my comfort zone and be thrown into new experiences.
So...that is why!
Iona x

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